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Obiymy Doschu — Son (album cover art)

Obiymy Doschu — Son (2017)

72 minutes, 11 songs, 15 musicians including a string quartet, 10 sound engineers, 200 hours of recording in 7 different studios across 3 cities and more than 8 years since the debut album release. These are pretty unusual numbers for the Ukrainian rock scene, but it barely scratches the surface of how much effort, sacrifice and love for music it took for Obiymy Doschu to finish their second album “Son” (“Dream”). It’s 72 minutes of complex, beautiful, poetic rock music with lush string arrangements, progressive rock, neoclassical, neofolk and post-rock elements, and songs perfected over a decade.

The album has been mixed by British musician and sound producer Bruce Soord, the frontman of the band The Pineapple Thief, who also worked with such grands of progressive music scene as Opeth, Anathema, Riverside, Tesseract and Blackfield.

Songs from the album tell a story about the struggle and difficulties a person faces in a modern urbanistic, globalized world, a journey from the lowest point of fall to a free flight, from death to rebirth. “Son” (“Dream”) is a metaphor for life which you don’t fully accept, which you see as an illusion… But “After you wake from it, you will never fall asleep again”.

Please help us be heard! Share the album with your friends personally and on social networks, write a review on your favorite music website, leave comments and likes. We won’t make it without you.

01. Ostannya Myt' (The Last Moment)

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A grey window —
How do you hear through it?
Without getting drunk again
With a bitter poison

The world
Has no hope anyway
The edge is blurred between sleep
And unbearable dreams of all these soulless people

Wires and wine
Surround in these walls
And there’s no sense anymore
In looking for someone to blame

And every million
Deepens the abyss,
Steals the last sleep,
Unless I tear out
Myself from the empty,
Tiresome gates
I no longer have the strength
To wait for relief

Pain encompasses
With an irresistible wish
The edge is getting closer
And all hopes
I will leave behind
As wreckage in your eyes

The minutes leak
Unbelievably fast
And walls are painted
With the last trace
The only thing left
Is to overcome my fear

The last step
Will melt dark trace of thoughts away
Open the gates
And the soul will fly

Forgetting everything
It lift to the sky at last
The gulp of freedom
In this last moment

Now the step is behind
And I’m falling down
The chains squeeze harder
And the penetrating pain

Tears apart
Screwing the wounds
And the path to heaven
Disappears in a mist
Taking the last drops
Of warmth with it

Was it all really in vain?
Why didn’t I notice
The unlocked doors
Behind the dark haze
In a glimpse
Before darkness absorbs forever

Music by Vladimir Agafonkin.
Lyrics by Mykola Kryvonos.
Photo by Joe Beck.

02. Kryla (Wings)

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Life rushes ahead
Until it breaks.
And you’re not a child anymore —
Looking into the grey abyss
Of the usual non-existence.

The eyesight darkens,
And the wings are lost.
Like a wounded bird,
You fall down powerlessly,
Struggling to overcome your fear

To come out from the dirt into the heavy rain
And rise up to the blue skies
Fearlessly again
With wings or without.

When you don’t have a purpose,
Everything around is a mystery.
And you don’t want to move —
Waiting for the snow to melt,
But soon you will melt yourself.

Or, crawling through the ice,
Through the grip of solitude,
Breath deeply again,
Fly free
Towards your goal.

Amid hundreds of tired flocks,
Where the cries
Of storks
Lead to an unseen land.

Fly above the hell of fires,
Through flames, ashes and smoke.
And if your wings are burnt,
Raise up and just walk.

Before you wait on the spot
For your promised paradise,
Stick to the thorny path
And choose your destiny —
The time has come!

Break away
From days that are all the same,
Fly up,
Find what you have long lost,
The songs of the unspoken words,
Get outside
In search of your cherished dreams.

Music and lyrics by Vladimir Agafonkin.
Photo by Samuel Zeller.

03. Razom (Together)

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Hiding in the net of loneliness
Turning your eyes away from the sun
You're used to walking without a goal
Covered in darkness of the night

You're lost under the night lights
Wandering in the theatre of shadows
Of all who were once burning in oblivion
With a soul that longs for you

Think that it's so hard to find
Warmth and understanding together
Meanwhile, you burn bridges from fear
Innocent manifestations of love

Drowning your look in the farness of stars
Covered from everyone by sorrow
Not making even a little step
Towards the heart that lives because of you

The heart will lead
To forgotten dreams the gates will open
When you find them
Don't loose them, hold firmly with your hands

Just one step
And we'll continue everything we started
To look together
With free, clear eyes

Will some day meet the morning as free people
Will some day wake up from mistrust
And after long search in the dark
The risen days will gleam with love

Music and lyrics by Vladimir Agafonkin.
Photo by Artem Kovalev.

04. Temna Rika (The Dark River)

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The sun sets over the skyline, reaches into shadows
Grey hair and calm — to the depth of the Earth
Flood comes and the hearts are captive
Dark waves ruin churches on pillars

But the moon will rise
And light the roads
Despair will subside

With a ray, it will free
The souls of the brave
From the dark shadows

An unseen land
Will hide past losses
In its depths

Don’t let go
The longed dreams
That hold you captive

The heart burns, and the courage lives in the eyes
The song of the flute flies rushing by the wind
With a gentle step, he goes into bleak forests
Walking alone to overcome despair in those evil times

But the moon will rise
And light the roads
Despair will subside

They’ll say “You won’t
Find the strength to stand up” —
Don’t listen, let it be

An unseen land
Will hide past losses
In its depths

Don’t let go
The longed dreams
That hold you captive

The path leads through fields into the abyss,
But there’s no path
There are swamps of blood and ice.
The winter’s around
An unknown path, where shadows
Of the cursed stray forever
Farther and farther from home
And closer to the dark river

How will you keep the roots and the will?
Who’s not afraid to fight
With the night in a pack of wolves?
Where is that corner for bread and salt?
How do you hide the sky from the dark river?

The sun rises above the Earth, the trees bloom
But the sky won’t hear that flute song again
And the hero who believed in the strength of centuries
They won’t remember. But they still live.

Music by Vladimir Agafonkin.
Lyrics by Mykola Kryvonos.
Photo by John Silliman.

05. Nazustrich Tyshi (Facing the Silence)

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Music and photo by Vladimir Agafonkin.

06. Kimnata (The Room)

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A dark room
No one around
I’m here seemingly by chance
Outside the window, a new day begins

The curtained windows
Got used being
A wall for the sunlight
And fresh air won’t find my lungs

But somewhere near a river
Under the blue skies
The ages flow by
To the sound of birds singing
A bright green grove
Breathes with the wind

Vast fields
Lead to the sky
While I’m here
Looking for peace
Can’t hear it
No matter how much time you waste

Blocks of concrete
Conquer the horizon
And while I’m doing well at times
Dreams drown
In the thick of dust
Here, around the grey walls

And day by day
The years go by
Diving online
With a cup of tea
But I know that it’s in vain
And the heart waits for change

But somewhere near a river
Under the blue skies
The ages flow by
To the sound of birds singing
A bright green grove
Breathes with the wind

Vast fields
Lead to the sky
While I’m here
Looking for peace
Can’t hear it
No matter how much time you waste

Somewhere there
The beauty is so bright it blinds
Somewhere there
The dew washes dreams under the moonlight
Somewhere there
The grass is soft like a first kiss
The Earth is alive
Her strings are ringing, but not for us

Music and lyrics by Vladimir Agafonkin.
Photo by Tom Sodoge.

07. Interludiya (Interlude)

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Music by Mykola Kryvonos.
Photo by Petter Rudwall.

08. Son (Dream)

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I saw in a dream
How a confused winter
Stole abundant rains
From the autumn

I saw how the spring
Dressed as a winter
As if playing a show —
A cold and sorrowful one

Opposing the spring,
The summer burned with fire
Driving people around
Behind their narrow walls

Defenseless and small,
Flowers didn’t come to life
And the black field smoldered
On a burned soil

Grey ash rose
And broke into the sky
Which, filled with dirt,
Greyed forever

Withered leaves
Looked for peace in the sky
And spoiled people
Didn’t see any trouble

I saw in this dream
How brothers kill each other
And sons close their doors
From their mothers

I heard loud screams
The saints were led behind bars
By bloodthirsty bureaucrats
Without feeling guilt

I saw kids
Tormented by hunger
While someone wealthy nearby
Casually played golf

And most of those people
Who were around
Didn’t know any grief
And played their role

And you go one, smile
Since this isn’t real
It’s a dark road
And no one usually cares

We may close the shutters
From nightmares —
After you wake up,
You will never fall asleep again

After all, we are all human,
We’re human nevertheless —
Confused human
That stray in darkness

We just want to love
And to be loved
Without envy, anger,
Hate and lies

And we’re left to love
And be loved
And believe in wonder
Or believe in the fact

That we’re not here forever
That the Lord awaits…
Or, rising up at last,
Build the world together

Where everything around is real
Where cherries blossom in groves
Where everything is dear and ours
Where the rise will come to us

Music and lyrics by Vladimir Agafonkin.
Photo by Cristina Gottardi.

09. Zemle Moya Myla (My Dear Land)

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I found you —
Without unnecessary words,
In the depth of years.

I'll hear your name
Again —
As a song of a bird,
As a rustle of leaves.

One day the fierce cold will subside,
The Sun will warm you anew,
And people will discover your beauty,
My dear land.

I found you,
And the unbearable pain
Ceased at once.

The earth roars,
Stitch goes after stitch,
But I believe
That you will heal your wounds.

One day the fierce cold will subside,
And blood will run in veins again —
People will feel your love,
My dear land.

One day black clouds will be chased away
By your tender spring breath,
New life will fill the roots,
And you'll heal your wounds in a blink.

No matter if sprouts are washed out,
And everyone says that the future is dark,
Hang on, my dear land,
My homeland.

Guests came unbidden,
Footprints covered with snow,
Ate plenty of ripe harvest
Of the sweat of forgotton autumn

Guests came unbidden,
Footprints covered with snow,
Ate plenty of fresh harvest
Of the blood of forgotton autumn

Guests came unbidden,
And our eyes see no more,
And all your legacy is looted,
Replaced with alien traits,

Grown harvests are destroyed,
We're forgiven by ourselves,
Our conscience is lost in twilight,
And we judge without knowing the essence —
We all.

Music, lyrics and photo by Vladimir Agafonkin.

10. Novyi Pochatok (A New Beginning)

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Music by Mykola Kryvonos.
Photo by NASA.

11. Yanhol (Angel)

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The starlit night envelops the blue
Hiding behind lights’ backs
And waiting for this moment,
Your look wanders somewhere there above the clouds
And the heart looks for the heavenly tide
To feel the warmth of charms
And fly beside him

Suddenly, you have the strength and the time
To walk through worlds of wonder
That everyone comes across at least once
But people pass by without more attempts
No one sees like you
No one reaches with the soul to the stars
To fly beside him

The years will go by
And the ease during the long winter
You will feel again, telling grandchildren
About an angel with grey wings
And a fairy tale about eternal love

Music and lyrics by Mykola Kryvonos.
Photo by Juskteez Vu.

We want to highlight and thank every person involved in this record.

Obiymy Doschu:

Arrangements by Obiymy Doschu.
String arrangements by Vladimir Agafonkin, Mykola Kryvonos, Olena Nesterovska.
Album art by Vladimir Agafonkin and Mykola Kryvonos, model — Olena Nesterovska. Design, programming, lyrics translations by Vladimir Agafonkin.

Guest musicians:

Recording and sound production:

Special thanks to:

Maria Kurbatova, Yana Kirichenko, Andrey Sazykin, Rodion Tsikra, Andrey Ravin.